Through The Cyrus Project, we aspire to create a compelling case of measurable societal transformation that attracts the philanthropic dollar and catalyzes church planting across the globe.
Found in Ezra 1, Cyrus – God’s instrument – was a Persian king. While he did not know God, the Lord stirred Cyrus’ heart to fund the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. The Cyrus Project brings together Cyruses (i.e. donors) to help fund the Nehemiahs: those with a burden to plant churches across the globe.
We are people hungry for change in broken societies and are passionate about seeing the Great Commission fulfilled in ever-increasing degrees during our lifetime and in generations
to come.
We are a non-profit organization that aims to provide a place of financial safety with a springboard for powerful impact where wealthy individuals and corporations can donate their funds with peace of mind.
We are Kingdom-minded people, focusing our efforts and resources on what we are passionate about: supporting and empowering church planters so that they in turn can support and empower communities.